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Moon Lovers Box Set


  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  All Romance Books

  Moon Lovers Box Set (BBW Werewolf Romance) (c) 2014 Mac Flynn Box Set of the adult MOON LOVERS Series

  Genre: Contemporary Romance Paranormal Romance Romantic Comedy Due to sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.

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  Chapter 1

  I learned a lot that night, but mostly how to faint and how hard the basement floor was. I was an office worker by day and a crime-fighting hero by night, or so I wished. I don't think they made hero costumes in size fifteens, and even if they did I didn't have any special powers or abilities, anyway. That lonely Friday night found me in my dingy apartment building with a basket of laundry in my arms. I lived on the fourth floor out of five, not counting the basement or roof, and was wandering down the hall to the staircase when a shriek startled the basket out of my hands. Dirty laundry flew everywhere in a multi-colored rainfall of toxic material.

  I whipped my head this way and that, and found a familiar door ajar not more than five feet away from me. I rolled my eyes and peeked into the apartment. An elderly woman sat in her comfortable old chair watching the television with the lights off. She was watching a black-and-white film, and the scene playing on the scream was of a woman screaming and running from a monster that looked like it'd spawned from cardboard and poor set design. "You rang, Miss Peabody?" I called to her over the blaring sounds.

  The woman whipped her head up from the television and gave me a toothy grin. "I'm fine, Tasha, just watchin' one of my favorites."

  "Try to keep your door closed next time," I lightly scolded her. She was already back to watching the television, so I shut the door and glanced at my clothes strewn about the hall. I bent down, picked them up and followed the trail until I reached a pair of familiar boots. I glanced up and frowned at the tall, broad-shouldered man of thirty-five who lecherously grinned back at me.

  "Good evening, Miss Taylor," he drawled.

  I stood straight and noticed a pair of my underwear in his hands. He twirled them around on a finger and I had to keep from shuddering. "Good evening, Cartwright. Mind giving me those back?" I grabbed at them, but he was a lot taller than me and whipped them above my head.

  "Don't I even get a reward for finding them?"

  "Thanks?" I suggested.

  He frowned. "That isn't much of a reward. What about a kiss?"

  "What about not?" This was a usual dance for us. He'd try to get into my pants, in this instance succeeding all the way to the underwear, and I'd have to tell him off. My salvation came in the form of short, bumbling man of about thirty with thick glasses and slicked-back hair who climbed the stairs behind Cartwright. He was Greg Garrison, the apartment manager.

  "Miss Taylor, Mr. Cartwright," the man pleasantly greeted us. He noticed the underwear in Cartwright's hand. "Laundry day for you, Mr. Cartwright?"

  "Get lost, shrimp," Cartwright growled.

  The nerdy 'shrimp' smiled and pushed the bridge of his glasses up his nose. "I'm afraid I know this building better than you, Mr. Cartwright, so I'm not liable to do that. Is that piece of clothing the young lady's?"

  "Yes," I spoke up.

  "Then you'd better give it back, Mr. Cartwright," the small man demanded.

  Cartwright leaned down and menaced Garrison with his ugly looks and breath that could stun a yak at a hundred paces. "And if I don't?"

  The small man held Cartwright's gaze without flinching. "Then I'm afraid your sink won't be fixed anytime soon." Cartwright sneered, but shoved the underwear into the man's hands and stalked off down the hall to his apartment.

  I beamed at my hero. "Thanks for the save, Mr. Garrison. If it weren't for you half of us would have to form a vigilante group just to keep him at bay."

  "No problem. You just need to put a little leverage on these fellows and they run away with their tails tucked between their legs."

  I pointed at my underwear in his hands. "Speaking of things between legs, could I have those back?"

  He followed my pointing and his face took on a nice shade of red. "O-oh, sorry!" He hurriedly handed them over.

  "Thanks." I stuffed the underwear into my basket and smiled at him. "Well, guess I'll see you later."

  He held out his hand toward me. "Um, maybe we can have a cup of coffee?"

  I glanced down at my laundry basket. "Um, right now?"

  Garrison sheepishly smiled. "Oh, right, I guess I just forgot about your, um, errand."

  "I meant this late."

  "I always have a cup this late in case I get a phone call from the tenants," he explained to me.

  I looked at my watch and sighed. It was only seven o'clock, plenty of time to have a cup of coffee and clean off the brown stains in the downstairs laundry. "All right, just as long as this doesn't take too long. I have some radioactive material here that needs to be cleaned to its half-life so I can safely wear it."

  Garrison snorted and led me down the stairs. "Not a bad joke."

  "You mean for a lowly office worker? I've seen enough of Miss Peabody's movies to know my way around nuclear monsters and killer toasters from outer space."

  "She is a unique lady," he agreed. We passed down the four floors and to the basement. There was a single hall that separated the boiler and laundry rooms on one side from his own apartment on the other. I followed him inside and looked around. This was my first time in his rooms, and I was glad to see it had a modern look with clean floors, a simple but nice kitchen, and an open living room with a dining table. He gestured to one of the table chairs. "Take a seat. How do you like your coffee?"

  I slid into the chair. "Hot and strong, if you can."

  He slid into the kitchen. "Definitely. So how was your day? Anything exciting at your office?"

  "Not really. Any catastrophes in the apartment building?"

  "I averted a disaster with Mrs. Brooks' clogged toilet and saved the world when Miss Peabody's television broke."

  "You're a brave soul risking your life in such perils, especially with how deaf Mrs. Brooks is. I'm surprised you were able to tell her your success," I teased.

  Garrison chuckled. "It's all in a day's work for us superhero apartment managers."

  "Is your day always so riveting?"

  "Is yours?"

  "Pretty much."

  "The same for me." He set our cups down on the table and seated himself opposite me. I glanced down at the cup. The contents were a thick sludge of keep-awake-till-you're-half-dead goodness that was blacker than an unlucky cat. I spooned myself some of the glob and shuddered. "You don't like it?" he worriedly asked me.

  "When you said it'd be strong you weren't joking," I squeaked out.

  He smirked. "Nope. I pump this stuff into my veins to keep myself going through the day."

  The glop slid off my spoon and plopped back into the cup. "Have you ever had this stuff tested for use as car fuel?"

  "I thought about it, but then I realized it would eat clear through the engine block." I snorted and he seemed to appreciate my humor. "Finally someone who knows a good joke when they
see one. I tried something like that on Mrs. Brooks and she nearly bored a hole into my face with her glare."

  "She's probably the last person to-damn it!" I'd foolishly been playing with fire by stirring my coffee, and some of the organ cleaner spilled out and onto my shirt. I was surprised when it didn't eat through the cloth, but it did make one ugly brown stain between my breasts.

  "Here, let me help you." He grabbed a towel off the kitchen counter and wiped furiously at the stain.

  "Um, Garrison?" I spoke up.


  "Stop fondling me."

  Garrison paused and glanced from breast to breast, and a sheepish grin slipped onto his lips. "Oh, he-he, sorry."

  "First take the hand off, then apologize." He still had his hand and the cloth between my breasts.

  "Oh, right." He whipped his hand behind his back and stepped away from me. "I guess I just got carried away."

  I stood up and grabbed my basket. "Well, I'd better carry myself and my laundry away to the laundry room," I replied.

  "Maybe I'll see you later?" he pleaded.

  I sighed. This guy was really nice, but I just wasn't looking for another disappointing relationship. "Probably. We live in the same building, remember?"

  "Well, um, goodnight."


  Chapter 2

  I let myself out and walked the short distance down the hall to the laundry room. Straight ahead of the doorway was the outer wall of the building with low, long windows, and the room turned right and stretched down the basement to the end of the structure. The outer wall and the wall to my right were lined with washers and dryers, and at the far back were some hard chairs to wait in. Overhead was a row of dim lights and by the door was the switch.

  The coffee break with Garrison had at least ensured I'd missed the usual rush of other after-work launderers. It was nice to have my choice of machine, especially since half of them didn't work all too well. Garrison was a decent mechanic, but not even God could get some of these ancient machines working.

  I shoved my basket load into the machine and glanced down at my shirt. That needed to be washed, too, but I didn't have a spare shirt on me and I didn't want to walk the four flights for one which would have left my other stuff unguarded. Some of the guys in the building were a little immature, and there'd been more than one panty raid. There wasn't anybody around, but I made sure I'd have some privacy when I shut the laundry room door. Then I pulled off my shirt, hurriedly stuffed it into the machine and turned it on. I'd have to wait a half hour for the wash and nearly an hour for the dryer.

  I took a seat in one of the chairs closest to the wall so if someone came in I would have a chance to duck between the wall and the last dryer. Then I'd have to hope they leave without spotting me. To pass the time I whipped out a short romance novel I'd been reading where the hunky guy gets the thin, smart, beautiful girl. It almost made me wish I'd go on a diet, exercise more and buy me a nice pair of breasts, but that would have involved effort and money. I was short on both, mostly because I was just fine with my weight and not fine with emptying my bank account to buy myself a pair of breasts that would make Mount Everest look like a hill.

  While I was brooding over my unrealistic but tantalizing love story I heard noises out in the hall. They were men's voices, and I ducked down into my hiding spot just as the door to the laundry room opened. I peeked around the corner of the machine and watched a half dozen of thugs walk into the room. They wore green bandannas on their heads showing they belonged to the Green Bandanna gang, one of the most unimaginatively-named gangs in the neighborhood. Their crimes, however, weren't anything to joke about. They'd been accused of everything from petty theft to rape and arson, and they came into the laundry room to stir up one more crime for their list.

  "All right, boys, pick a machine and grab the cash," their leader, a tall man wearing a black hat, called out to them.

  I ducked behind the machine and squished against the wall as one of them came up to the washer behind which I hid. The gang members pulled out small crowbars from their jackets and smashed the coin slots. Coins spilled out onto the floor, and they scooped up the change and shoved it into bags. One of the guys looked familiar, like I'd seen him around the apartment building, but I wasn't sure. I just hoped they wouldn't notice-

  "Hey boss, there's some underwear in this machine," one of the thugs piped up. I cringed and peeked around the machine to see what was going on.

  Mr. Hat went over and inspected my laundry still swooshing around in the washer. He stopped the machine and pulled out the same pair of underwear Cartwright had played with. Mr. Hat plastered a wide, stupid grin on his face as he held it up for all the men to see. "Anyone have a girlfriend who wants these?" They laughed.

  "I think I could get two of my Maria in there," one of them quipped. I rolled my eyes. Even these guys were weight critics.

  I must have rolled my eyes too far out from behind the machine because one of the thugs pointed at my corner. "Boss!"the man yelled.

  The boss scowled and marched over to me, where he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of my hiding spot. My half-nakedness caught their lecherous attentions immediately, and Mr. Hat tossed me in the middle of those vultures. They practically consumed my flesh with their lustful eyes. Mr. Hat held up my underwear in front of me. "This yours?" he drawled with that sick grin on his face.

  "Yeah, but you can keep it." I tried to push my way through them, but was pushed back into the circle. They edged in closer to me, and more than one had tight pants.

  "No hurry, we jist want to play with you some," Mr. Hat insisted.

  "I, um, I left my toys in my apartment. If you'll just wait here I'll go get them." I tried again to break through their line to the slightly ajar door, but like every other Red Rover game in my life I was pushed back and fell on my butt. At a signal from Mr. Hat one of the gang members grabbed my arms and another one caught hold of my legs. I thrashed and kicked, but they were stronger than me. "Let me go! Somebody help me!"

  Mr. Hat knelt down beside me and slapped my chin. "Shut your mouth or we'll hurt you worse," he growled. They didn't get a chance because at that moment the lights in the laundry room went out. The windows along the outer wall didn't give much light because they faced an alley, and the light from the hall outside the room was extinguished when somebody shut the door. "Somebody get these damn lights on!" Mr. Hat ordered. I saw the silhouette of one of his men move toward the door, but another shadow overtook him near the switch and he let out a blood-curdling scream. The men holding me let go and backed away from the door and behind their leader. I sat up and scooted over to the outer wall in front of one of the machines. "Ricardo?" he called out to his missing man.

  "B-boss, let's get out of here," one of his stooges pleaded.

  I saw Mr. Hat's silhouette grab the scared man and toss him out front. "Then leave!" he shouted at his man.

  The frightened man scrambled for the door, but the large shadow rose up from behind the end dryer and grabbed him. He screamed and thrashed, but nothing stopped the unknown vigilante as the gang member was tossed across the room. His body hit the wall and he fell to the floor. He didn't move, and I wasn't even sure he was breathing.

  "Shoot it!" Mr. Hat ordered.

  The men pulled out their guns and fired at the shadow. I swore they hit it with more rounds than those guns could hold, but they didn't even slow it down as the shadow barreled into their tiny group. The men scattered or were tossed aside, and Mr. Hat scrambled toward me. He slid behind me, wrapped his arm around my throat and pulled me onto my feet with his gun aimed at my temple. He shook hard enough to pull the trigger, but after so many shots I doubted he had any bullets left.

  His men tried to escape the room, but each of them was thrown against the wall or machines, and didn't move. The shadow rose up and turned its head toward us, and through the dim light I could see a pair of yellow eyes. "S-stay back or she gets it!" Mr. Hat threatened. The creature raised itself
up to a height of six feet and growled at him. "D-don't come any closer!"

  In a flash the creature covered the short distance between us and grabbed the gun. It tore the weapon from his hand and I heard the metal crunch between its strong fingers. Mr. Hat screamed like a girl and dashed to the door, but the creature followed him. The thing's shadow covered him and he screamed. That was when I decided it was a good time to faint, and collapsed to the hard, cold floor.

  Chapter 3

  The next thing I remember is Garrison standing over me with a worried expression on his face. He cast his shadow over me and hid me from the bright ceiling lights. It must have still been night, but how late I couldn't tell. I tried to sit up, but he held me down. "Easy there, you've got a good bump on your head." I felt what he meant when a throbbing pain pounded into my head from the egg-size bump on the back of my noggin.

  "Ouch..." I murmured.

  Garrison slipped a pillow beneath my head. "I've called the cops, but it looks like whoever came in here and attacked the place left in a hurry." That reminded me of the gang members and that hulking shadow, and I whipped my head to the left and right. The place was a mess with machines torn from the walls and coins everywhere, but there wasn't a sign of any of the guys or the shadow thing. All that whipping gave me whiplash, and made my head hurt worse. "Don't go moving too fast," Garrison warned me. "Did you want any water?"

  "N-no, I'm okay. Just let me sit up." He hefted me up so I sat with my back against one of the washers. It was the one that had held my laundry, though not anymore. My shirts, pants and underwear were strewn throughout the room, including on me.

  Garrison picked a pair of underwear off my shoulder and plopped it on the ground. "Do you remember anything about what happened here?"

  I shook my head, and I winced when that caused more pain to shoot through my skull. "There was this group of guys, some of the Green Bandanna gang, and they smashed up the machines. They found me hiding and held me down on the floor-" I shuddered when I recalled what they were going to do.

  "Skip that part. What happened next?" Garrison asked me.

  "Then the lights went out and somebody kept sneaking out of the dark and grabbing them. I got out of the way when they shot at him, but whoever it was must have been wearing a bullet proof vest or something because he ran into them and threw them everywhere." I glanced up and noticed the flimsy ceiling tiles were broken from the impact of a human body.