Shadow Forest Read online




  Copyright © 2022 by M. Flynn

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Continue the adventure

  Other series by M. Flynn


  Secrets have a way of working their way to the surface, no matter how long they’ve been buried. Other times they arrive on your doorstep covered in a shroud of lies.

  Greylock’s secret came in both forms.

  I awoke that day to a dark and stormy sky. The patter of rain entertained me as I slipped into my clothes, though I paused long enough to glance at the bed where a large lump was nestled underneath the covers. Chris’ dark hair stuck out of the top like a horror wig.

  I contained my snort and slipped out of the room. The hallway was covered in shadows and my feet seemed especially loud as I made my way downstairs. A fire burned in the hearth to ward off both the shadows and the chill. It didn’t really do much for either as I stopped in front of the mantel and stretched out my cold hands.

  “The joys of living in the mountains…” I murmured as I glanced out the window.

  A heavy fog surrounded the manor and cast everything ten feet beyond the building in a soft, floating mist that glided around us like ghosts. Except for the ticking of the clock in the living room, all was as quiet as the grave.

  I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself. “Do you have to do that to yourself, Alex? Couldn’t you just have imagined cotton candy balls floating out there?”

  That’s when I noticed something outside that wasn’t mist or cotton candy balls. Some dark shape flitted about the edges of the mist, moving in and out of focus. I walked up to the giant window and squinted through the glass. Whatever it was stood a little shorter than Chris and seemed to wear some sort of black outfit.

  I blinked, and it stood just on the other side of the glass.

  I screamed and stumbled back. The back of one of the chairs caught me and I clutched onto the sides as the creature remained like a statue facing me. It wore a black cloak that covered every inch of its body, and the hood hid its face in the depths of shadows.

  Footsteps from all over the manor hurried to me, and Bonnie and Duncan were the first to reach me. They slowed a little to gape at the hooded figure. Bonnie clasped my arms as Duncan moved to stand a little ahead and to our side.

  He cast a quick look over his shoulder at me while keeping one eye on the fiend. “What is it?”

  I shook my head. “I-I don’t know.”

  “Alex!” The shout came from Chris as he raced downstairs wearing only his pants, his shirt clutched in his hand. He rushed over and looked me up and down. “What happened?” He noticed where we all looked and frowned. “Who the hell is that?”

  I shrugged. “I don’t know, but I know it’s not my fairy godmother.”

  Duncan took another step toward the window. “Who are you? What do you want?” The figure didn’t so much as twitch.

  Bonnie’s face showed confusion as well as anger. “How could anyone get onto the grounds without our permission?”

  “Because they do not need permission.”

  The reply came from Greylock as he limped out of the central downstairs hall. His full attention lay on the figure as he stopped beside our group. He clasped his hands over his cane and leaned heavily on it as he studied our ‘guest’ as welcome as our last ones.

  Chris looked to our pack leader and jerked his head toward the figure. “Then you know who that is?”

  Greylock had a grim look on his face as he nodded. “Yes, though their visit is unexpected.”

  Bonnie’s voice held more fear than I’d ever heard in it before. “Can it get inside?”

  Greylock shook his head. “No, or rather, we have an agreement that they not venture inside. However, let us see what has brought them.” He limped over to the door and opened it wide before he backed up almost to where we stood.

  The fog that had given a buffer of twenty feet around the house swirled in closer and spilled into the room. The mist swallowed the figure in its white embrace, but I kept my eyes on the door and wasn’t disappointed, though I was more than a bit terrified. The figure floated in with the mist. I couldn’t see its feet, but the way it moved without motion reminded me of the phantom that had tried to take my werewolf powers from me.

  This creature, however, gave off an entirely different vibe. I had the feeling that the thing in front of us was old, very old. Perhaps more ancient than we could imagine. Its mere presence was like Greylock when he entered a room, in that they commanded the room. The lights overhead seemed to dim on its visitation as the creature stopped a few feet from us.

  Greylock inclined his head to the newcomer. “To what do we owe this honor, Lord Silva?”

  The figure lifted its head slightly, but I still couldn’t see any face. When it spoke, it was like listening to the gurgling of a creek, or the rubbing of two branches together in a gentle breeze. “I have come to discuss our agreement.”

  Greylock pursed his lips. “I see. What seems to be the problem?”

  A slight hissing noise slipped into its words. “One of your own ventured into my woods and attacked one who inhabits my trees.”

  Greylock sighed but gave a nod. “Yes, I’m afraid that did happen, and I profusely apologize.”

  The creature’s head swayed from side to side. “That is not good enough. The pact is broken.”

  Greylock started back. “Broken? Surely not on account of such a minor infraction after so long!”

  I raised my hand. “Could you guys let us in on what’s going on?”

  The creature turned its head slightly so that its empty hood faced me. A chill ran down my spine as I felt the thing, well, something look at me. Lord Silva turned its back on us and floated toward the door.

  Greylock stretched out his hand and stumbled forward. “A moment, please!” Silva paused a few feet shy of the entrance but didn’t turn around. Greylock hobbled up to near his back. “Surely there is a way to reforge the pact. Some way I might make up for my foolishness in inviting evil into your lands.”

  Silva half-turned to him. “There is only one way.”

  Some of the color drained from Greylock’s face. “I see. If that is the only way-”

  “It is.”

  Greylock sighed and gave a nod. “Then I agree to your terms. When will it begin?”

  “When you are ready,” Silva replied as he turned away and shuffled off into the fog. The mist retreated and revealed the empty doorway where the creature had disappeared.

  “I don’t think I like what just happened,” I spoke up as I turned my attention to Greylock. He stood there with his eyes closed and his lips tightly pursed. “Who was that and what did you just promise him?”

  Greylock opened his eyes, and they showed a weariness that made my heart ache for him. “Lord Silva is the spirit of the forest that covers Wolf Mountain.”

  Chris raised an eyebrow. “The spirit of the forest?”

  “Spirits are better in glasses,” Duncan quipped before Bonnie jabbed him in the ribs with an elbow.

  Greylock leaned on his cane and studied where the cloaked figure had vanished. “The forest around the manor is very, very old. Lord Silva has protected its mystical secrets since the beginning, and long ago he granted me leave to purchase the property and invite whatever other fantastical creatures wished to live on the land.”

  Bonnie frowned. “And what about this pact?”

  Greylock sighed. “In order for us to remain on this land, I must reforge the pact by completing three trials.”

  Duncan swept his eyes over the ceiling. “What will happen if you don’t agree to do these trials?”

  A bittersweet smile appeared on Greylock’s lips. “Then we will be evicted, and with no gentleness on behalf of our landlord.”

  I shook my head. “I still don’t know what that means, or how Silva would do it.”

  Greylock shook his head. “Nor I, and I would not wish to learn what that entails.”

  Chris raised an eyebrow. “So, what are these trials about?”

  “They are a trial of strength, of determination, and of faith.” I noticed his hands shook a little, but he clutched his cane tighter so that his knuckles turned white.

/>   Chris nodded at Greylock’s lame leg. “When was the last time you did these trials?”

  Greylock closed his eyes and sighed. “Before my accident but having two out of three may get me through the other trial.”

  Duncan stepped forward with his jaw stiffened and his eyes steady. “Then I’ll do it. I’ll take your place.”

  Greylock shook his head. “I appreciate the offer, but I must do them alone.” He turned away from us and limped toward the doors.

  I leapt over to him and clapped a hand on his shoulder. He paused and turned his face to me. “You can’t go alone.”

  He smiled and patted the top of my hand. “I must do this alone, but don’t worry. I shall return in a short while.”

  Greylock limped through the doors and disappeared into the fog, leaving me behind with a heavy but determined heart.

  I spun around to face the others. “I’m going after him.”


  Duncan nodded. “Then we’re all going.”

  Bonnie scowled at him. “The more people who go the more likely they’ll be to get caught by Ethan.”

  Duncan clapped a hand on her shoulder and grinned. “Come on, Bon-Bon. We’re trained professionals at following people.”

  One of Bonnie’s eyes twitched. “Bon-Bon?”

  He sheepishly grinned at her. “Honey? Sweety? Matey?”

  She cast another look of death at him before she returned her attention to Chris and me. “You two should stay here. Me and this” She jerked her thumb at Duncan, “will follow Ethan.”

  I smiled and nodded. “Fine, and we’ll follow you.”

  Duncan cast a mischievous look at Bonnie. She grinned and nodded. The pair dashed over to the open door and out into the foggy night. As they did, they transformed into werewolves, and by the time they disappeared into the mist they were fully formed.

  Chris pursed his lips before he turned back to my smiling face. “It won’t be easy following behind that act.”

  I tapped the side of my nose and smiled. “Nothing tricks this nose, and besides” I took a deep breath and wrinkled my schnoz, “I don’t think Duncan has bathed in the last couple of days.”

  The corner of Chris’ lips twitched upward as he grabbed my hand. “Good to know, but maybe a little too informative. Now let’s go.”

  We swept out the door after our wolfy companions. Chris and I kept our human forms out of lack of experience, but I almost regretted it as we entered the fog. The misty air settled on us like a damp blanket and made me shiver. My nose, fortunately ice-free, led us down the sandy shores of the still lake and to the side opposite the manor. A path greeted us, and our comrades had left their paw prints in the damp earth.

  Chris paused at the mouth of the trail and frowned down at the tell-tale marks. “Where are Ethan’s prints?”

  I swept my eyes over the area and finally shook my head. “I don’t know. I don’t see footprints or paws.” I took in a deep breath through my nose and frowned. “I don’t smell him, either.”

  Chris pursed his lips as he studied what little of the trial we could see through the mist. “He must not have wanted us to track him.”

  A thought struck me that made me furrow my brow. “But if that’s true then how are Duncan and Bonnie following him?”

  Chris took my hand and shook his head. “I don’t know, but we’d better get to following them.”

  We hurried forward at a jog that took us deep into the woods. Chris and I had been in the woods many times now, but this time something felt off. The air was heavy with tension and the soil thick with rot. The trees that rose were larger and more ancient than we’d seen before. Old vines hung from the thick branches and tickled our faces.

  Chris’ whispered words floated over to me. “This is a very old part of the woods.”

  “We could bottle the air as old spice,” I quipped as I ducked under a low vine. “You think that spook Silva knows we’re in here?”


  “And think we can handle him?”

  “Probably not. However-” He grinned as he used his free hand to pat a pocket. “I do have a trick up my sleeve.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “I hope it’s some breadcrumbs in case we need to find our way back.”

  He chuckled. “Something almost as good, but I won’t say it aloud.” He swept his eyes over the canopy above us and some of his good humor fled. “I have a feeling the vines have ears.”

  We ventured onward and the scent from our two friends were more powerful. The trail curved around a gentle bend and widened to present us with a small clearing. On the opposite side from where we stood was the beginning of a rugged mountain complete with loose fallen stones and a steep climb. The entrance to a cave sat in the middle of the sheer wall.

  Chris and I slowed down and crept over to the mouth of the cave. The ground dove down at a forty-five-degree angle and disappeared into darkness so black even my werewolf eyes could hardly see more than twenty feet ahead of us.

  A hand reached around from behind and clapped over my mouth, stifling my scream that followed. Another hand reached for Chris, but he grabbed the arm and swung the person over his shoulder and slammed them onto the ground.

  Duncan let out a wheeze as the air was knocked out of him. Chris paused over him and frowned. “What are you doing?”

  Duncan gave him a sheepish smile. “Just thought I’d take a nap.”

  The hand was removed from my mouth and Bonnie came into view. “Sorry about that. We didn’t want you to cry out.”

  Something about her words made me shudder. “What were you afraid would hear us?”

  Duncan propped himself up with his arms and nodded at the opening. “Anything that might be in there.”

  Chris walked up to the mouth and set a hand on the wall to lean in. “What’s in there?”

  Bonnie shook her head. “We don’t know. We’ve never seen it before.”

  Duncan tilted his head back to study the old trees and hanging vines. “Heck, I’ve never even seen trees this old before.”

  “So, magic?” Chris guessed.

  Bonnie shrugged. “Probably, but we can’t exactly smell magic.”

  I studied the ground. There were still no signs of Greylock. “Speaking of smelling, how have you been following Ethan?”

  Duncan climbed to his feet and brushed himself off before he grinned up at me. “That’s easy. Ethan has a ‘tell.’ He always leaves a little bit of his scent about ten feet off the trail in case he loses his way in this crazy maze.”

  I raised an eyebrow at her. “What kind of scent?”

  Duncan coughed into his fist. “Well, that involves the story of the birds and the bees-”

  Bonnie jabbed him in the ribs with her elbow. “Will you shut up about that? You know he only rubs his cheek scent sacs against the bushes.”

  “Why ten feet?” Chris wondered.

  Bonnie cast another look of warning at Duncan before she turned her attention to Chris and me. “It’s a sort of edge of the magic that moves the paths, a red line where they blend. The magic won’t move anything on it, so if you leave an indicator there you can find your way back along the same route. The trick is not to get lost in those ten feet.”

  Duncan folded his arms and nodded. “And Ethan has the ten feet down pat. He could follow his trail back blind.”

  Chris looked down the hole that was the cave. “If the scent is fresh then we can’t be too far behind him.”

  Bonnie pursed her lips. “No, but I don’t think we should go down there.”

  Duncan clapped a hand on her shoulder. “Come on, Bon-Bon” He received another look that promised death, but ignored it, “where’s your sense of adventure?”

  “Behind my sense of self-preservation,” she retorted as her gaze settled on the gaping maw. “And it’s telling me there’s something not right about that cave.”

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