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Incubus Among Us Box Set (Shifter Romance) Page 13

  I dropped my hands to my desk and hung my head. "Blackmail me into doing more work so he can watch me squirm," I repeated.

  Ann stuck her jaw out and placed her fists on her hips. "He can't do that! You need to go complain to the higher ups right now!"

  I tilted my head to her and frowned. "He's blackmailing me, Ann. That means he's the one with the leverage," I explained. I didn't elaborate on exactly what leverage that was. She could keep believing it was because I was sick yesterday and ran out on the office.

  "But he can't do that! That isn't right!" she insisted.

  The Cart of Unfairness rolled up with Johnny at the handle. On the top was a stack comprising a double workload. "Mr. Lennon told me to bring this to you, Liz," he revealed. He picked up the documents and plopped them on my desk. The stack nearly reached above the walls of my cubicle. Johnny paused after he deposited his load and I could see his nostrils flare. A strange mistiness slipped into his eyes and a goofy smile appeared on his lips. "You smell pretty nice today, Liz," he complimented.

  I cringed and scooted away from him. "Um, thanks, Johnny. You can leave now."

  He shook himself from my powers and straightened. "What? Oh, right, well, be seeing you two later." He reluctantly stepped outside my cubicle and wheeled himself away.

  Ann stood in my doorway with arms folded across her chest and her shaking her head. "It's still not fair. All you did was go home early because you were sick. I still think you should go up to the higher ups and complain."

  "He kind of hinted that there was something else, but he didn't say what," I added.

  Her face twisted into disbelief and she threw up her arms. "That tears it, I'm going into his office and-"

  "Getting yourself fired," I finished for her. I sighed and shook my head. "It's okay, Ann. I'll think of a way out of this mess without either of us getting fired. Just give me a day or two."

  She gestured to the stack of documents. "You really want to go through a day or two of this?"

  I shrugged. "If I have to."

  Ann sighed and patted me on the shoulder. "You're a brave woman, Liz, but I think you might not be completely all right in the head."

  I dearly wanted to tell her she was right on the last point, but if I told her the truth she really would be worrying about my mental well-being. Instead I plastered a smile on my face and leaned back in my chair. "I'll be fine, just you see."

  "All right. Call me if you need help with that stack," she offered. The hour of work showed on the clock. She gave me a wave and left.

  I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. Hopefully all my brave talk was more than just bluster as I dove into the stack of documents.

  Chapter 5

  I watched for signs of something amiss in the men. They kept their distance, but I felt eyes on my cubicle, as though they waited for me to emerge and give my attention to them. I hunkered down until lunch when I chanced an escape to the restroom. My bladder was about to explode, and no amount of self-control would keep back the tide that pushed against me.

  I stuck my head out my cubicle. No guy in sight, though I could hear them talking in groups and munching on their food in nearby cubicles. I slipped from my domain and hurried down the hall to a pair of doors against the far wall.

  "Hey, Liz!" Johnny shouted.

  I jerked to a stop and my shoulders slumped. Busted, and by the floor novice, no less. I turned to him with a nervous smile as he jogged up to me with a bright grin on his face. "Um, hey, Johnny. I was just about to-"

  "Go to lunch? Want me to take you? I've got enough money for both of us," he offered.

  I slowly crept away. Other men poked their heads out of their cubicles. My scent clouded their eyes and pulled them from their domains. "Really, that's nice, Johnny, but I was just-"

  "Going to eat here? That's fine. I can grab something in the cafeteria and join you in your cubicle," he persisted.

  "No, really, Johnny, that's not-"

  "Not a great spot? We can go to the lounge if you want," he suggested.

  By this time a small herd of men had emerged from their caves, and from the looks in their eyes I guessed they were all willing to club me over the head and drag me back to their homes. Johnny here was just being nice with the clubbing part. That made him the best candidate to protect me from the amorous affections of my other male coworkers.

  I looped my arm through one of his and tugged him down the hall. There was still the unfinished matter of my bladder. "Um, those all sound really great. How about we see which one works better after I go to the bathroom?" I suggested.

  His face perked up. "Really? Because I was really thinking I could take you to this restaurant I know downtown."

  I raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that a little far for lunch? We might be late getting back."

  Johnny set a hand over mine which grasped him. "I'm sure being late once won't be a problem."

  I cringed. This was serious. Whatever powers I had over men were strong enough to toss Johnny's stringent work ethic out the window. I was relieved when we reached the bathrooms. They were a single-room affair with separate rooms for men and women. "Um, let me think about it while I'm in my office." I released him before he trapped me, and I slipped into the bathroom.

  "I'll be waiting out here if you need me," he shouted through the door.

  I groaned. I was trapped. My bladder was released and I went to the sink to wash, but found myself hesitant to leave. Maybe I could stay in here the rest of the day. What was four hours in the bathroom, holding it hostage until somebody showed me a clock that read five o'clock?

  I glanced up from the sink and stared at myself in the mirror. I don't know what the guys saw or smelled in me that infatuated them so badly. There were dark spots under my eyes and I looked a little thin around the cheek bones. "You're a wreck, Liz. You gotta get yourself out of here," I muttered to myself.

  "You're certainly not well," a voice behind me agreed. I spun around to find David standing in front of the door. His usual devilishly handsome smile wasn't present, and in its place was a concerned frown.

  "I didn't call you," I reminded him.

  "But you did," he argued as he strode toward me. I slipped to the far side of the sink, and he stopped in front of the porcelain. He leaned forward in front of the glass to adjust his collar, but his form cast no reflection in the mirror. "You wished for a way out of this mess, and I have come to deliver."

  I folded my arms across my chest and glared at him. "So you're my genie now granting me wishes? If that's the case then I want to wish for this succubus curse to go away."

  He sighed and turned his attention to me. "I can't lift the curse any more than you can fly."

  "At this point I'm willing to jump off a cliff if it means a whole bunch of guys won't chase me over the edge," I quipped.

  David leaned against the wall to face me and chuckled. "I believe at this moment the entire floor would follow you."

  I placed my back against the wall and slid my hand down my face. "Don't remind me. I can't seem to control whatever's controlling them."

  "I could teach you to control your new powers," he suggested.

  I peeked an eye out through my fingers. "What's the catch?"

  "The catch is that the learning would further your development as a succubus," he told me.

  I straightened and waved my hand at him. "Then no deal."

  He sighed and pushed off from the wall. "Very well, but I will be here when you need me." He knelt down and disappeared beneath the sink. I leaned forward and looked under the shadow of the sink, but he was gone.

  "I wish he'd teach me how to do that. . ." I muttered.

  Now was not the time for wishful thinking, especially if it brought David. I prepared myself mentally and physically, and opened the door. A dozen men stood on the other side with their eager eyes zoomed in on the doorway. It was made all the creepier because none of them seemed to notice how quiet they were and how they ogled me. "Uh, you guys need somethin
g?" I asked them.

  "They just needed the bathroom," Johnny spoke up. He grabbed my hand and pulled me from the bathroom and toward the elevator. The crowd followed like moths to a moving flame.

  "Where are we going?" I asked him.

  "To that restaurant I told you-" The elevator doors swung open and presented us with a scowling Lenin. Johnny pushed his way into the elevator, but Lenin pressed his palm against the young man's chest and stopped us between the open doors.

  "What's going on here?" Lenin questioned him. He looked past us at the crowd. "What the hell are you doing?"

  "We were-um, just helping Liz get to her lunch," Johnny told him.

  Lenin's eyes focused on me and they narrowed. "Miss Monroe, I would like a word with you in my office."

  I gulped hard enough to hear, but Johnny didn't release my hand. "Perhaps after lunch, sir. We were just-"

  "Right now," Lenin insisted. He ripped Johnny's hand from mine, spun me around, and herded me through the men to his office at the opposite end of the floor. The men moved to follow, but Lenin paused and glanced over his shoulder at them. "Get to lunch. If I see anyone eating after one then they're fired."

  The men drooped and obeyed the boss. They weren't so far gone that a steady paycheck meant nothing to them. The most infatuated was Johnny, and he stepped toward us. "But sir-"

  "Get. To. Lunch," Lenin emphasized.

  Johnny hung his head and shuffled off to partake of a lonely meal. Lenin turned his attention back to me and ushered me to his office. Suddenly Johnny's offer of a meal wasn't so bad.

  Chapter 6

  Lenin's office was a plain affair with a leather couch just inside and to the left of the corner door, and his desk and chair opposite the door. A window with closed shades over the couch looked out on the floor, and there were large windows behind the desk. He pointed at a plain seat in front of his desk while he closed the blinds of the window behind the couch.

  I slipped into the offered seat both curious and frustrated by this turn of events. I'd fallen out of the frying pan and into the fire, and none of this was my fault. Well, not intentionally my fault. David's offer to teach me my abilities looked better and better by the minute.

  Lenin strode past me and stopped at the far left edge of his desk. One of his hands grasped the edge of the desk. His back faced me and I noticed his body was tense. "Do you know why I brought you here?" he growled.

  I shook my head until I realized that didn't really tell him anything. "No," I replied.

  "I brought you here because you seem to be a disturbance to the entire floor," he explained.

  "It's not really my fault. I don't know what's gotten into them," I protested.

  "What is this power you have to cause such trouble?" he hissed. My eyes caught on his shoulders, and I realized his breaths came out in quick, sharp gasps. The knuckles of his hand that grasped the edge of his desk were white from his tight grip.

  "Sir, are you all right?" I asked him.

  "I. . .I don't know what witchery you're doing, Miss Monroe, but I must demand that you stop this immediately," he growled. His voice was more animal than human, and there was a heavy touch of lust in his words.

  I slowly stood and inched back towards the door. "I think I'll-"

  Lenin glanced over his shoulder and I saw that his eyes were not the dull cloudiness like the others. No, his were filled with a red-hot lust that was reflected in his panting words. "Don't bother. I locked the door," he told me.

  "What? Why?" I questioned him.

  He turned to me and pulled at his tight tie to loosen it. "Because I can't take this struggle anymore. You've mocked me for years with your beauty and allure, but recently you've changed to something that I must have. Whatever you've done to me must be satiated, and I will have you whether you reject me or-" His eyes widened and he clutched at his chest.

  Lenin hunched over and grabbed the desk for support. The seams of his clothes tore open as his muscles stretched and tightened. His shoes broke apart and his feet protruded out the fronts. He grabbed his business suit and tore it open to reveal his expanding muscles. Lenin stretched himself upward and he added a foot more to his height of five and a half. I gasped and stumbled back against the wall between the couch and door.

  I fumbled for the locket in my pocket as Lenin turned his heated eyes on me. His shirt was torn to shreds, and his pants were half gone. Lenin stalked towards me, a monster of lust who would have his way with me. He was three feet away when my hand wrapped around the locket, and I wished fervently for David.

  Lenin jerked to a stop two feet from me and again clutched at his chest. His eyes bugged out and he stumbled back. His rippling muscles shifted once more, and his body shrank to suit a new form. His blondish hair changed to a darker hue, and his facial features shifted around to resemble a very familiar face. In a few moments I found myself staring not at Lenin but at a smiling David. He wore an un-torn white shirt with dress pants that showed off his angular hips.

  My mouth dropped open and David chuckled. "Surprised to see me here?" he teased.

  "W-what? W-where?" I stuttered.

  He walked up to me and closed my mouth with a single finger. "You really should take me up on my offer to train you. We Dream Presences can do more than work our lustful will on the minds of humans."

  I pushed away his finger and slipped away from him toward the front of the couch. "But Lenin! My boss! What did you do with him?"

  He gestured down at himself. "I am borrowing his physical being, just until he sleeps off the heavy effects of your aphrodisiac scent."

  "But-but you just can't do that to people!" I protested.

  A smirk slid onto his lips and his voice dripped with lust. "Oh, but I can, especially when you called me with such vigor." He strode toward me and I backed up until I hit the left-hand wall.

  "S-stay away from me," I ordered him.

  He stopped a half foot from me and leaned one hand on the wall by my head. "I don't think you want that right now. The sight of your boss changing into that demon of lust was enough to turn you on, I can smell it."

  "N-no, it was terrible," I argued.

  "You're a terrible liar," he commented.

  "I-I have to go," I quipped. I tried to slide around him, but he set his other hand on the other side of my head, blocking me in.

  "Come come, Liz. Don't run away from me, especially after I've taken over this lustful body just for you. You see, the side effects of doing so means some of the lust is transferred to me." He leaned forward and his lips brushed against my neck. I bit my lip to stifle my shudder. "And I so want to know your body. It's been far too long since we had some fun, and I ache to be inside you."

  "N-no, I don't want this," I whispered. My voice sounded hoarse even to my ears.

  David chuckled. "Liar." He pressed his mouth against my trembling throat, and I couldn't suppress the sigh that escaped my parted lips. "See? Your mind and body demand the same as mine. Let's not fight it." His hands slid down the wall to my waist where one slipped beneath my un-tucked blouse. He cupped one of my heaving breasts in his hand. I felt them swell beneath his gentle but firm touch, and the confines of my bra tightened.

  His other hand unbuttoned my suit pants and slipped beneath my underwear to touch my wet, sensitive nub. I gasped and pushed myself into his touch. Nothing felt as good as his teasing and torturing me except if he were inside me. I bit my lip and tried to tamp down the feelings of lust inside me, but with each stroke of his finger against me they welled up worse than before. I rocked my hips to his rhythm.

  "W-why are you doing this?" I gasped.

  He trailed a path of heated kisses down my neck. "Because I love you," he whispered.

  His words struck a chord inside my changing body, and I couldn't deny his touches any longer. I pushed out my chest and rubbed my pert buds against him. The flimsy cloth of my blouse and bra disappeared as if by magic, and my pants and underwear slipped down to my ankles. He pressed his hot body ag
ainst mine and I felt his swollen, throbbing need rub against my hip. His hands performed wonders on my body, stroking and touching me in all the right places to ignite the fires of lust inside me.

  In a moment I lay on the couch and he atop me, naked and chest-heaving. He covered me with his strong, tense body and slid himself into my hot, tight core. I welcomed him with open arms and he rewarded me with deep, penetrating thrusts. Each push caused ripples of pleasure to pulse over my aching, throbbing body. How I longed for him inside me, and how complete I felt when we were one. I never wanted this moment to end, and he thought the same as he penetrated me with slow, steady strokes. Each penetration was a tease of the orgasm to come, a promise of fulfillment so deep and complete that I would never want for anything else.

  I clutched onto his back and whispered sweet encouragements into his ear. "Oh god, yes. Please don't stop. Don't ever pull out of me."

  He clenched his teeth, but a deep, feral growl slipped out. "You. . .make this. . .very hard," he hissed.

  I leaned my head back and moaned. "Thick and hard is what I want," I groaned.

  He grunted and thrust hard and deep into me. I bit my lip to stifle the cry of joy that threatened to alert the whole floor to our sweet love-making. "I want to hear you," he growled.

  "But. . .the others," I gasped.

  He quickened his thrusts. The tremors of coming orgasm rippled through my body. "They will not hear you any more than your disgusting boss will remember his lust, now scream for me!" he demanded.

  His hips pushed against mine in a quick dance of pleasure and lust. My body trembled with anticipation and my mind succumbed to the cries of joy that demanded they be set free. I leaned my head back and reveled in the feel of him against me, inside me, giving me pleasure no other man could give. "Yes! Take me! Take me, my lord! My master!"

  In the midst of our love-making, at the cusp of my orgasm, he paused and raised himself onto his arms. His lust-filled eyes gazed down at me and I felt burned by desire, his and mine. "Say it again," he demanded.