Starlight (By My Light, Book Two) (Werewolf / Shifter Romance) Page 6
I raised an eyebrow and leaned forward. “You mean the castle?”
“The same,” he replied.
“Where’d you find that?” I inquired.
“England,” he replied.
I folded my arms and glared at him. “All right, how did you find it?”
“I was fortunate to acquire a set of ancient scrolls that led me to the find,” he explained.
I snorted and shrugged. “Why not? I’m a werewolf, I’ve ridden a unicorn, why not Camelot?” I waved my hand at him. “I get why you’d want a hunk of rock from Arthur, but why would anyone else want it?”
Fox leaned back in his chair and twined his fingers together in front of himself. “As I said, the Cornerstone was the only intact stone that remained of Arthur’s castle. It is rumored that the castle itself was built by Merlin, and each stone held immense magical entities, but only if the stone was intact. Thus the rumor goes that the Cornerstone holds a powerful magic that, if combined with the right incantations, could grant the wielder great powers.”
“Uh-huh. Magic. Of course. So any idea who would want this Cornerstone besides every Dungeons and Dragons player in the world?” I wondered.
“There are a great many collectors who would sell their souls for even a piece of the stone’s magic, but I believe I’ve narrowed the list down to a few suspects,” he told me. “And by some coincidence one of them happens to be holding a dinner party tonight to celebrate her Medieval relics collection.”
“And let me guess, you’re invited,” I commented.
“No, we’re invited,” he returned. Fox pulled open one of the drawers in his desk and pulled out two cards. He tossed them to me and they slid to a stop at the edge of the desk.
I scooted my chair closer and looked over the cards. They were slick velvet invitation cards for a dinner party hosted by-
“Fay Morgan?” I read aloud.
“Are you familiar with the name?” he asked me.
I leaned back in my chair and shrugged. “I heard about her from Dakota. She’s into fashion designing and women’s lipstick. Has some big lines and stuff. I think it’s called ‘A Touch of Magic.’ You think she’s the thief?”
“Dakota?” Fox wondered.
I pursed my lips. “A. . .an old friend.”
He raised an eyebrow. “I see. As for your question, that is a possibility, but we can’t be sure until we find proof to connect her to the theft. We may find it at her estate.”
“What’s this ‘we’ stuff about? Why do you need me?”
A smile curled onto his lips. “For the pleasure of your company, of course.”
I snorted. “And my nose, and strength, and my big, bad wolf eyes. I don’t-” There came a knock on the door.
“Come in,” Fox called.
Emery stepped inside. In one raised hand was a hanger, and attached to that hook was a white sleeveless gown with a leather bodice. A pair of white leather gloves were draped over the hanger.
I glanced back to Fox. “No way am I wearing that.”
“I’m afraid this isn’t under discussion,” he returned.
“Maybe I don’t want to go to a party hosted by one of your non-business partners,” I threatened.
“Very well.” Fox stood and walked around the desk over to Emery. He took the dress in hand and turned to me. “You can remain with Emery and assist him in feeding the dragon.”
I felt the color in my face drain. “It’s not dead?”
He smiled. “No, and it’s very hungry.”
I frowned, but stood and marched over to him. I swiped the hanger from his hand and glared at him. “You’re an ass, you know that?”
“I have been told that many times, but the clock is ticking,” he reminded me.
“What makes you think a lipstick millionaire stole your stone, anyway?” I countered. “Maybe she just wants to marry you for your billions.”
Fox stepped aside and bowed his head. “If you will excuse me, I have some business to finish before the dinner. Emery will lead you back to your room.”
I frowned and pressed the dress against my chest. “This conversation isn’t over. I want a rundown of this woman’s history before I get into a mess.”
I marched off with Emery in the lead.
Other series by Mac Flynn
Contemporary Romance
Being Me
Billionaire Seeking Bride
The Family Business
Loving Places
PALE Series
Trapped In Temptation
* * *
Demon Romance
Ensnare: The Librarian's Lover
Ensnare: The Passenger's Pleasure
Incubus Among Us
Lovers of Legend
Office Duties
Sensual Sweets
Unnatural Lover
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Dragon Romance
Maiden to the Dragon
* * *
Ghost Romance
Phantom Touch
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Vampire Romance
Blood Thief
Blood Treasure
Vampire Dead-tective
Vampire Soul
* * *
Werewolf Romance
Alpha Blood
Alpha Mated
Beast Billionaire
By My Light
Desired By the Wolf
Falling For A Wolf
Garden of the Wolf
Highland Moon
In the Loup
Luna Proxy
Marked By the Wolf
Moon Chosen
Moon Lovers
Oracle of Spirits
Scent of Scotland: Lord of Moray
Shadow of the Moon
Sweet & Sour
Wolf Lake